Stolen Domain Names

Stolen Domain Names

There is much confusion in the field of stolen domain names. If someone has registered a domain name which you think should be yours, is that theft or cybersquatting?  In some cases where you have a legitimate interest in the name and the registrant does not and the registrant was probably aware of your existence at the time of registration, you may well have a good case. However, if your name is generic and the registrant is unlikely to have been aware of your existence at the time of registration, your chances of successfully alleging theft and procuring transfer of the domain name are probably far lower. Many of the cases we deal with relate to domain names which have been registered by a competitor trying to divert business to its own website. Whilst the domain name may never have been yours, it is fair to regard this as a case of a Stolen Domain Name. There are procedures through the courts and dispute resolution procedures provided by Nominet and other Domain Name Registries to resolve cases of stolen domain names.  We can advise and assist with these. However, often a relatively simple letter from us will do the trick and convince the competitor to transfer the stolen domain name to you.

If you would like further information please either call Simon Halberstam on 020 3206 2781 or via email to for initial advice without charge or fill in and send to us the domain name form for a free assessment.