- A Legal perspective on Open Source and IPR – Cost and Time Efficiencies or a Faustian Pact?
- Agile Software – new model contract now available
- Agile vs Waterfall
- All I want for Christmas is a CryptoKitty
- An investor’s perspective: a startup’s guide to fundraising
- Apple crushes Samsung’s Galaxy tablet in Germany as global battle lines are drawn
- Avoiding unnecessary Exposure
- Beware – the Information Commissioner cometh!
- Biggest web usability issue
- Bitcoin – legal tender of the future or fad?
- Bitcoin – legal tender of the future or fad? UPDATE
- Blogs – the legal issues
- Browsing Without Licence – Logic Prevails but Limitations Remain
- BT ordered to scupper online pirates
- Call Centres and the Data Protection Act
- Can you afford not to have a new Generic Top Level Domain?
- CDs and copying
- Celebrity Tweets fall foul of the ASA
- Choosing an ISP
- Consumer Protection – Distance Selling
- Consumer rights reinforced – new EU Consumer Rights Directive
- Conversion to SAAS – Legal Issues and Other Considerations
- Cookies – handle with caution
- Cookies and the E-Privacy Directive
- Copyright Reform and Cockney Silicon Valley
- Crowdfunding – the legal lowdown
- Crowdfunding – what are the risks?
- Crowdfunding: A quick guide to the new restrictions and protections
- Crowdsourcing – a great concept but are you aware of the legal risks?
- Dangers of email and internet use in the workplace
- Data Capacity Limitations
- Data Protection and the workplace
- Data protection in mobile apps: boring, but ignore it at your peril
- Data Protection Revisited – Hacking, Leaking and Cloud Concerns in 2014
- Defamation and the internet
- Defamation and Unlawful Acts Online: Blogger defends its right to provide access to controversy
- Delaware Flip – the legal issues
- Difference between an IPR indemnity and an IPR warranty
- Dinner, Interrupted – could this be the end for nuisance marketing calls and emails?
- Diving into the EC’s draft ePrivacy Regulation: steps for online gambling operators
- Do Not Track – positive for privacy or the end of the internet as we know it?
- Do what the F*** You Want? Not quite…
- Does every crowd have a silver lining?
- Domain Names, Trademarks and Brand Protection
- Don’t sign that! – Spotify shows you how a lawyer can help you make money
- Don’t shoot the messenger: Internet middlemen on the hook for actions of illegal website operators
- Droning on about Privacy and Data Protection
- eBay escapes pirates liability
- Electric Vehicles – EV – Key Legal Issues
- Email disclaimers and the law
- Email Marketing
- Email retention policies
- Email security and usage
- End of road for Which Web Trader
- Expensive Breach of Data Protection Laws – ICO’s fine of BA
- Family in battle over web address
- Financial Marketing – Opting in or out
- Fundraising – Legal Issues & Strategic Considerations
- Gathering Clouds – Transferring Personal Data outside the EEA
- GDPR Bites!
- GDPR: The legal implications (Video 1)
- GDPR: The legal implications (Video 2 – Financial penalties)
- GDPR: The legal implications (Video 3 – What is personal data?)
- GDPR: The legal implications (Video 4 – Data in the public domain)
- GDPR: The legal implications (Video 5 – Subject access requests)
- GDPR: The legal implications (Video 6 – Do we need a Data Protection Officer?)
- Google and Street View
- Google facing antitrust inquiries
- Google law
- High cost of email – Even lawyers are'nt immune
- How to contract online
- How to keep your wi-fi network safe
- How to value IPR
- I Spy Services turn off consumers: Location based privacy services to be handled with care
- Illegal filesharing
- In praise of Blackberry
- Intellectual Property Rights arising from University Research/Spin-Outs
- Internet Brand Protection
- L’Oreal v eBay – on counterfeit products: is it worth it?
- Legal Implications of the Metaverse
- Legal position of email disclaimers
- Legal relationship between web designers and clients
- Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a Drone!
- Love Data, Hate Data – John Anderton! You could use a Guinness right about now!
- Malice through the looking glass
- Minimising exposure to Contractual Damages
- Minimising exposure to Project cancellations
- Misleading advertising: the games people play
- Misuse of private information – anonymised tracking, profiling and targeting
- Mobile computing – some legal issues
- New ASA Rules and Third Party Online Behavioural Advertising
- New Cookie Legislation – Privacy Policy Update
- Online advertising, AdWords, the e-commerce Directive and Web 2.0
- Online Casinos
- Online privacy: how to comply with the new law on cookies
- Online privacy: how to comply with the new law on cookies
- Open Facebook is good PR, but will users benefit
- Patent registration – don’t bottle it up
- Patent S-pending
- Patents: Where will the dust settle after Yahoo and Facebook have fought it out?
- Pay Per Click Campaign – Fraud Abundant
- Privacy: Pornography – should we opt-in to opting out?
- Protecting Famous Names and Luxury Brands – The Domain Name Decision
- Ryanair wins domain name fight but not the battle
- Setting up an EMI scheme
- Simon Halberstam in on multi-jurisdictional gambling
- Simon Halberstam interviewed on CNN about YouTube and the Finnish Massacre
- Skating On Thin Ice: penalties for website owners and keyboard warriors
- SLAs
- SM&B Seed to Series B: Raising Funds in Business
- Smart Spying – Do you ever feel like you’re being followed?
- Social Media Influencers and Staying Legal!
- Social networks and the Law
- Software Terms and Conditions
- Sony Data Leak
- South Tyneside Council fights Twitter on its home turf
- Spam – the legal position
- Suing bad developers – is it worth it?
- Targeted advertising and privacy
- Technological advances
- Technology Breakfast Seminar: From Seed to Series B: Funding for Growth – 6th February 2019
- Technology Breakfast Seminar: Should Blockchain be tarnished by the same brush as Crypto – 19th February 2019
- Territorial Jurisdiction V The Internet – The EJC adopts a wider interpretation of jurisdiction in relation to privacy rights
- The Big Match – EU Law v IPR
- The Data Retention Directive: Intrusive and ineffective?
- The EU Objection to Google’s Combined Privacy Policy Explained – It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it
- The final front-eye? Legal issues around Google Glass and other Augmented Reality
- The Legal Cost of Personalised Shopping
- The Snooper’s Charter – an unwelcome erosion of civil liberties?
- The social media explosion: issues for employers to consider
- Trademarks in the bakery: let the batter begin!
- Transferring customer data abroad
- Twitter leaks super injunctions – Technology Hares and Legal Tortoises?
- US law to protect cyberspace against terrorism
- Useful Websites
- Useless Disclaimers
- UseSoft v Oracle
- Video Games and the Jurassic future – the legal issues
- Virtual currency in gaming – could regulatory law change the rules?
- Virtual worlds – good or bad?
- Website Maintenance and Operations Agreements
- Website Specification Agreements
- Whats the best application of WiFi networks